Health Tips: The number of diabetes patients is increasing day by day. This is a disease that is spreading its wings very fast. There is also no permanent cure for diabetes. Just abstain and be fine. To control diabetes, the patient has to take a lot of care of his diet and lifestyle. Even a slight mistake can be heavy. In such a situation, along with food, there are also some yogasanas which can keep you away from medicine for diabetes. Today we are going to tell you about some special yogasanas. Let's know about them in detail.

There are many benefits of doing Tadasana. Tadasana is very beneficial for diabetes patients. To do this,
First of all, stand straight and raise your hands upwards.
Now take a long breath and stretch your hands upwards.
During this, keep your feet slightly apart.
Then interlock your fingers, your palms facing up.
Now exhale and open the chest by bringing your shoulders back and spine down.
Relax all your muscles and stay like this for some time.

Ardha Ustrasana
Ardha Ustrasana for those who are facing diabetes
It is also very beneficial.
For this, come on your knees and open them equal to the hips.
Now straighten the spine by pressing your knees downwards.
After this, slowly, lean backwards on your left side.
Now place your left palm on the foot.
At this time your right hand should be raised at 60 degrees.
In the last, take a long breath while bringing the arch in the spine and stay in this position for some time.

Ardha Halasana
Sugar patients can also stay well by doing Ardha Halasana. But keep in mind that you have to do all these asanas regularly.
To do Ardha Halasana, first of all, lie down on your back.
Now place your hands by your sides, and take a deep breath.
Then slowly raise the leg straight from the ground keeping the knee straight.
During this, keep your hold.
Now exhale slowly and come back to the normal position by lowering your legs.