Kidney Disease: The kidney is a very important part of our body, its main function is to filter the dirt, due to which the toxins present in the body are removed, which makes it easy to avoid many diseases and damages. Kidney disease is also called a 'silent killer' because its initial symptoms are not visible properly. This is the reason why you need to be very careful, otherwise, the disease will increase so much that it will be difficult to control it. Let us know if there is any kind of defect in the kidney then what diseases you may have to face.

Other diseases associated with kidney problems

1. Weakness is a common symptom of kidney problems. You will be very tired and there will be difficulty in doing more activities.

2. If there is any kind of problem in the kidney, you may feel swelling near the ankles, feet, and ankles in the initial symptoms.

3. There is a loss of appetite due to kidney failure. Toxins like urea, creatinine, and acid start accumulating in the body itself, which affects appetite and test.

4. There may be complaints of edema due to kidney problems. There is a risk of swelling around the eyes, which is caused by the combination of liquid in the cells.

5. Warning signs of kidney disease include a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

Ways to keep kidneys healthy

1. Drink plenty of water to keep the kidney healthy. Try to make the water lukewarm. Due to this, toxins like urea and sodium are removed from the kidney body.

2. To keep your kidney healthy, keep checking the cholesterol level from time to time. A lipid profile test is necessary for this.

3. The more you avoid oily, fast, and junk foods, the better it is, eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables keeps the kidney healthy.

4. To keep your kidneys healthy, choose a healthy diet and try to control your weight.

5. To keep kidneys healthy, eat less salt food. For this, avoid packaged and processed foods as much as possible.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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