Parenting Tips: In the current era, parents spend more time with their children than before, yet they remain more concerned even after paying more attention than the previous generation. The Guardian believes that a lack of commitment can harm a child's future success and interests.

Professor Amy Brown (Child Public Health) of Swansea University told 'The Conversation website that this type of thinking can have a negative impact. Compared to the father, there is more social pressure on the mother to take care of her children, which is affecting the health of married women. Due to online classes during the coronavirus epidemic, the mother had to be present with the child during teaching, which increased the pressure even more.

How much attention should be given to the children?

Now a big question arises how much attention should be given to children? If the children are left on their own, will they see its disadvantages in the future? Can You Ignore Your Child? Or vice versa, can you get along more with the child? Most of the parents say that they are paying proper attention to their children.

There is no doubt that the right attitude is necessary for child development

It is necessary to have the right attitude of parenting. When the parents fulfill the needs of the child in a better and better way, the attachment between them increases. This increases their confidence and then leads to positive, social, and emotional development.

What was achieved through the study?

A study was done on the children of orphanages in the country of Romania, these children did not get love and care like normal children, so they did not get a chance for emotional development. If the child gets a conversationalist at an early age, then it will be especially important for his literacy skills. Children will express their feelings only when they are heard and supported.

Child needs support

Support is needed for child development. Children try to grow by getting a chance to make mistakes and take minor risks during play and decide which activities they will participate in. On the contrary, when the child is controlled through routine, then his path would have been easier. They may struggle to develop the skills and resilience needed for everyday life. When it seems that by taking more care, the confidence of the children will increase, then the parents pay more attention.

The amount of attention a child needs also naturally changes with time. Children develop physically and emotionally as they grow, and parents who adapt to these changes usually get better results.

Surprisingly, no significant connection was found between parents feeling the most and least pressure, which suggests that these feelings never really go away, no matter how much time you spend with your children. This is probably the most important aspect. Most parents pay enough attention to their children.

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