Children's self-confidence plays a very important role in their life. With self-confidence, children are able to achieve their goals and become successful in life. But, sometimes some words of parents can reduce the self-confidence of children.

Keeping in mind the future of their children, parents make many efforts, but sometimes they unknowingly reduce the self-confidence of their children. Given below are some things which parents often do unknowingly and which reduces the self-confidence of children.

1. Comparison with other children

Parents often compare children with others, such as "Your friend did it, why can't you?" Or "If you don't study like that kid, you'll never be able to do anything." This can create inferiority complex in children and reduce their self-confidence.

2. Putting too much pressure on children:

Parents often put too much pressure on children, such as "You have to get top rank, otherwise we will get angry with you." This can cause stress and anxiety in children and reduce their self-confidence.

3. You are always wrong:

This is enough to reduce the self-confidence of children. This leads children to think that they are always wrong and their opinions are of no use. This can cause low self-esteem in children.

4. Worrying too much about children's mistakes

Parents often worry too much about children's mistakes and scold them, such as "You made a mistake again, you will never learn anything." This can create fear of making mistakes in children and reduce their self-confidence.

5. Teaching children to always be better than others

Parents often teach children to always be better than others, such as "You have to do better than them, otherwise you won't succeed." This can create a feeling of comparison in children and reduce their self-confidence.

By avoiding these things, parents can increase the self-confidence of their children. Children should be taught that everyone has their own potential and it is never right to compare. Instead of scolding children, they should be explained about their mistakes. Children should always be encouraged and made to believe that they can do anything.

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