Drinks To Get Good Sleep: Often many people have to wake up late in the night. Many times it also happens that even after lying in bed early in the night, one does not get good sleep. Or people do not get deep and healthy sleep. Just as nutritious food is necessary for our body, in the same way, adequate sleep is also necessary for our health.

Health experts also recommend getting enough sleep according to age. According to your age, you should know how many hours you should sleep. But for some people, sleeplessness without any reason becomes a problem. In this case, you contact the doctor. But if you want, you can also try some natural and home remedies. This will also give relief to your body and you will get comfortable sleep.

Let us tell you, adults should get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night. Along with this, it is also important that it is good and deep sleep. Because lack of sleep can cause physical and mental problems to a person. Let us know about the five best drinks for deep sleep.

1. Chamomile Tea-

If you have a habit of waking up late at night, make and drink chamomile tea before sleeping. The element called apigen present in it helps you to have a restful sleep. This will give you deep sleep.

2. Hot milk-

If you want, you can drink hot milk mixed with turmeric or honey before going to bed at night. This will give you a deep sleep at night. Milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which is considered beneficial for sleep.

3. Tulsi tea-

Make and drink Tulsi tea at night for good sleep. With this, your body will get rest and you will get good sleep. The anti-stress properties present in Tulsi relax your mind. Due to this you do not stay awake for long and can sleep as soon as you lie on the bed.

4. Lavender tea-

Lavender is a fragrant flower, making tea and drinking it helps to relax your mind. You drink this tea before sleeping at night. This gives peace to your nervous system which improves sleep.

5. Milk with walnuts -

You can drink milk by mixing almonds or walnuts in it. Drink this milk 30 minutes before sleeping at night. Along with this, create a peaceful atmosphere in your room.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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