Diabetes Diet In Summer: There are ups and downs in the health of diabetic patients, but if you want to maintain your health, it is very important to follow some tips, otherwise the blood sugar level will not be able to remain under control in the hot summer. Diabetic patients should change their diet in this season, let us know what they should eat.

1. Don't drink packed juices

To get relief from summer, many people drink tetra pack juice, but doing so is injurious to health as it contains a lot of sugar. It is better to extract fresh fruit juices at home which have less natural sugar.

2. Eat a fiber-rich breakfast:

If diabetic patients healthily start the day, then their blood sugar level will remain under control. You need to eat such foods in breakfast that have high fiber content. By doing this one does not feel hungry again and again. Include things like oats, oatmeal, apples, and berries in your breakfast.

3. Stay away from sweet fruits

Summer is called the very tasty season of mangoes, but it is no less than a poison for diabetic patients because the amount of sugar in it is very high. Apart from this, it is good to keep your distance from pineapples and melons.

4. Do not let the lack of water in the body

Due to the scorching sun, hot winds, and humidity, the body sweats a lot in summer, in such a situation it is very important to keep yourself hydrated, otherwise, due to lack of water, diabetes patients feel dizzy and Weakness may have to be faced. Toxins in the body come out from drinking water.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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