Pulses For Type 2 Diabetes: If you are a diabetic patient then it is obvious that life will be a bit difficult as compared to others because in this situation one has to avoid such a diet which increases the blood sugar level. If the level of glucose in your blood is not maintained, then there is a risk of serious diseases related to the kidney and heart. Many health experts believe that if diabetic patients take a protein-rich diet, their health will not deteriorate.

Diabetic patients must eat these pulses

Pulses are considered a rich source of protein, which is very important for the strength of the muscles and the body, the lack of this nutrient will not only weaken the body but also create difficulties for patients with diabetes. Let us know which pulses are necessary to be eaten to improve the health of diabetic patients.

1. Rajma

Rajma is included in the favorite dish of North Indians, it is not only delicious food, but there is no dearth of nutrients in it. It is low in both glycemic index and complex carbs. The protein and fiber present in it are like nectar for diabetic patients.

2. Chickpeas

You must have eaten a lot of chickpeas made from chickpeas, but do you know that this chickpea is very beneficial for type-2 diabetes patients? You can also eat it as a pulse because it will be easy to maintain blood sugar.

3. Moong dal

Moong dal is liked by many people, it is a bit light and people select it when there is an upset stomach. The best thing about this dal is that it is a low-calorie food, as well as its glycemic index is not high. If you eat it regularly then blood sugar will be maintained.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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