Immunity Booster: In the changing season, most people start falling ill. Taking a healthy diet keeps your immunity strong. Yes, if your immunity is weak then you can make some changes in your lifestyle. Let us tell you here that by consuming what things you can keep your immunity strong.

How To Boost Immunity: In the changing season, most people start falling ill. In such a situation, if you keep your immunity strong, then you can avoid coming into the grip of many diseases. It is very important to take a healthy diet to avoid diseases. Taking a healthy diet keeps your immunity strong. Yes, if your immunity is weak then you can make some changes in your lifestyle. Let us tell you here that by consuming what things you can keep your immunity strong.

Consuming these things will strengthen immunity-

Consume Citrus Foods-

It is very important to include citrus foods in the diet to increase immunity in the body. Yes, consuming citrus foods boost immunity. This is because it contains a high amount of Vitamin C. For this, you must include lemon, grapefruit, and orange. Consume red bell pepper-

If you think that only sour things contain vitamin C, then it is not right. You can also include red chilies in your diet to strengthen immunity. It also contains a lot of beta-carotene which is an immunity booster.

Include Broccoli in the diet-

Vitamins A and C are found in large quantities in broccoli. Along with this, it is also rich in fiber and antioxidants. Therefore, if you also fall ill again and again, then you can include broccoli in the diet.


Along with having vitamin C in spinach, many types of antioxidants are present. Consuming it daily also strengthens your immunity. In such a situation, spinach must be consumed in the changing season.

Almond –

Immunity can be strengthened by consuming dry fruits. On the other hand, if you consume almonds daily, then you can strengthen your immunity.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general knowledge. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)