Health Benefits of Apple cider vinegar: All of you consume apples. Eating apples also has many health benefits, but people usually consume very little apple cider vinegar prepared from apples. Apple vinegar prepared by fermenting apple juice provides many health benefits. Apple vinegar can be consumed by mixing it with water. But, if you want, you can also include it in the diet after consulting a dietician, because consuming it in excess in a day can also cause harm.

Talking about the nutrients present in apple vinegar, it is found in acetic acid, protein, calcium, carbohydrates, fiber, enzymes, potassium, antioxidants, magnesium, etc. Let us know what are the health benefits of apple vinegar and how it should be consumed.

Benefits of consuming apple vinegar
Lose weight- The amount of calories in apple cider vinegar is very low. In such a situation, weight can be reduced by including it in the diet. But never consume it without mixing it with water. You should use apple vinegar on the advice of experts to reduce weight. However, no study has been done on how effective it is in reducing weight. Of course, you can include apple vinegar in a healthy diet and fitness routine.

Reduce high cholesterol- In some people, apple vinegar proves effective in making high cholesterol levels normal. According to one study, people with type 2 diabetes were asked to consume 15 ml of apple cider vinegar daily over eight weeks. The conclusion of the study revealed that blood cholesterol levels were found to be significantly lower in the participants. It can also reduce bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, as it contains antioxidant elements.

Beneficial in diabetes- In many studies, it has been found that taking two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with food significantly reduced the increase in blood sugar level after a meal. Not only this, consuming it before meals May also improve insulin response. To keep the blood sugar level under control, you can consume it in limited quantity or include it in the diet on the advice of the doctor.

Reduce skin diseases- Apple vinegar is also beneficial in many types of skin-related problems. However, it should be avoided to apply it directly on the skin without mixing it with water, otherwise, there may be problems like chemical burn, and skin irritation. Applying it to skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis can be beneficial.

Consume a healthy heart- If you want your heart to remain healthy for a long time, then you can consume apple cider vinegar regularly in limited quantities. Being rich in antioxidants, it helps in keeping the heart healthy. Keeps blood pressure under control as well.

Keep the stomach healthy - If you are troubled by stomach-related problems like acid reflux, indigestion, or gas, then drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with one teaspoon of apple vinegar. The antibiotic properties help fight infections caused by bacteria. Keeps constipation away due to fiber. Due to the presence of pectin, it can remove cramps in the stomach and intestines.

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