Paracetamol is the first name that comes to mind when there is a slight fever. Although its use gives a lot of relief to the body, you will be stunned to hear the results that have come out recently. Paracetamol reduces the effect of antibiotics by two-thirds. If scientists are to be believed, they have proved this by doing serious research on 499 bacteria. Paracetamol is taken as an analgesic and antipyretic drug. It is used to reduce pain and fever. Today we will tell you how it can be dangerous for health. So let's find out...

Research results
According to IVRI scientists, research has proved that when paracetamol is mixed with 1 mg of antibiotic, the effect of the drug reduces by one-third to two-thirds. Because of this, doctors may have to increase the dosage when prescribing medicine to a sick person. This research has been published in the international journal Acta Scientific Veterinary Science.

Eating with these medicines can increase the effect
Apart from this, research has also proved that mixing 1 mg of Aspirin, Flunixin, and Diclofenic with 1 mg of antibiotic can increase the effect of this medicine by 3-5 times. In such a situation, experts believe that this research will prove beneficial for doctors and pharmaceutical companies in the medical field in the future. According to him, with time the truth of medicine will be known which will help in the better treatment of any disease.

Eating too much can be harmful
Apart from this, do not consume more paracetamol without a doctor's advice. It can adversely affect antibiotics. Apart from this, in general, these medicines help in getting rid of the infection, but their excessive consumption can also harm the body.

Do not eat without a doctor's advice
Apart from this, experts have advised to consult a doctor once before taking more than 600 mg of dosage in a day after research.

Antibiotics have to be taken in huge amounts for no reason.
According to him, every medicine has a dose, so if it is used in the right quantity, it kills the bacteria, but taking antibiotics unnecessarily increases the resistance of the bacteria, due to which the medicine also does not work. Apart from this, the researchers studied 499 bacteria for about four years.
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