Health and skin are the first to be affected by changes in weather. In this season, infections like cold, fever, and sore throats start occurring. Especially cough, which makes many people worse than a cough. Many times even doctor's medicine does not provide relief from the problem. If you are also troubled by the problem of cough, then you can get rid of this problem with these home remedies. Home remedies will also boost your immune system, providing relief from viral infections and seasonal allergies. So let us tell you about some such tips…

Consuming honey and black pepper will solve the problem
To get relief from cough problems, you can consume a mixture of black pepper and honey. This remedy is very effective in getting relief from cough. It also provides relief from sore throat, pain, and swelling. Mix a little honey in 2 teaspoons of black pepper. Mix both things well. Mix the mixture and consume it. If you want, you can also use black pepper in the same way.

Gargles will provide relief
You can gargle with warm water to get relief from sore throat and swelling. Mix 2 teaspoons of rock salt in warm water and gargle with the water. This will provide relief from sore throat and swelling. Apart from this, it will also help in removing mucus. If your cough persists for a long time then this remedy is very effective.

Drink herbal decoction
You can drink herbal decoction to get relief from a cough. A decoction made from herbs will give you relief from this problem. You can make a decoction of all the herbs like basil, licorice, ginger, clove, mint, and black pepper. Boil cloves, mint, licorice, ginger, cloves, mint and black pepper in water. Drink the water prepared from this after boiling it. If the water is a little bitter, you can also add some honey to it.

Remove steam
You add rock salt in hot water and take steam. This will also clear the mucus from your nose. This mixture also clears your throat. This will remove the mucus accumulated in your chest. You can also add peppermint oil to this water. Add 3-4 drops of peppermint oil. Take steam with this water. The steam will open your throat and also provide relief from sore throat and cough.

Drink hot water
In case of cough, cold water should not be consumed at all. If you have swelling and pain in your throat then you should drink only warm water. Any cold thing or drink can irritate your throat.

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