Generally, with increasing age, many diseases also start coming, some of which are also mental. Dementia is one of these diseases which affects the memory of a person. Dementia affects both men and women equally. This problem is usually seen in old or older people with increasing age. But if a person starts battling it at an early age, then it is a matter of concern. Dementia is often difficult to diagnose because the initial symptoms associated with it are quite different from person to person. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some such symptoms which point towards dementia. There is a need to be alert knowing them. Let us know about these symptoms…

Have difficulty speaking
This problem can be seen with both men and women. That they are not able to choose words properly while speaking and feel difficulty with language. They find it difficult to articulate their thoughts. They forget simple and ordinary words or do not remember where they were to be used.

Forgetfulness is also included in the early symptoms of dementia. Women often start forgetting things or things amid everyday tasks. Or have a hard time remembering them. This habit of forgetting is the main symptom of dementia.

Mood swing
Mood swings are common in women and men. But if this problem increases with ageing then there can be symptoms of dementia. Sudden crying without any reason and then becoming calm, getting angry or irritable without any reason can also be symptoms of dementia.

Poor sleep
It is often seen that at one stage of age, the problem of less sleep starts coming. But getting too little sleep can also be a symptom of dementia. Therefore, this problem should also not be ignored.