It is very important to keep your feet in a sitting job. Sitting continuously for hours without getting up starts showing its effects on the lower body. Belly fat increases due to the calories accumulated in the body. At the same time, the problem of tightness in the hips and muscle cramps also increases. In such a situation, doing a standing workout proves beneficial to keep yourself active and fit. With the help of a standing workout, it not only helps in weight loss but can also protect the body from many diseases. Today in this article, we are going to tell you about some standing exercises to lose weight, which you can include in your workout routine.

#Forward fold
Forward fold is an excellent standing exercise with the help of which weight loss can be done quickly. Doing this regularly not only reduces weight but also strengthens the legs. Apart from this, the problem of pain in the lower stomach is also solved.

To do this, first stand straight on the mat. After this, pull both hands upwards and straighten the elbows.

- After this, bring both arms downwards and stick them to the ground. During this, keep your waist straight and do not bend your knees.

- Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Doing this exercise 3 to 4 times helps in weight loss.

- While practicing forward fold, walk with a slight gap between both the legs. This helps in balancing the body.

#Hip circles
Belly fat and excess fat deposited on the waist starts causing obesity. To keep the body fit and sleek, include hip circles exercise in your workout routine. Doing this exercise helps in reducing hip fat and strengthening pelvic floor muscles.

- To do this exercise, first stand straight on the mat. Now keep a distance between both the legs to maintain the balance of the body.

Now place both hands on the waist and make circles by rotating the waist with the hips in a clockwise motion.

By doing this, the fat accumulated on the hips and waist starts reducing. Do this exercise for 1 to 2 minutes and repeat 4 to 5 times.

- After doing this exercise, leave the body loose and let the body relax for some time.
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