Javitri For Diabetes Control: Diabetes is such a disease that can be controlled only by good lifestyle and food habits. The victims of this disease have to pay maximum attention to their food and drink. Because their smallest negligence is enough to invite a big problem. If these diseases are not controlled on time, then the risks related to the eye, kidney, and heart start increasing. But do you know that a kitchen spice can also control diabetes? The name of this miraculous kitchen spice is 'Javitri'. Yes, you may find it strange to hear this name, but it works like a panacea for diabetes. In Ayurveda, this kitchen spice is considered an enemy of diabetes. Let us know the benefits of Javitri.

What is mace
'Javitri' is the learned bark of the nutmeg tree. It is used in every household with hot spices. It is used in many serious diseases including diabetes. Regular consumption of this kitchen spice boosts immunity.

Add mace to the casserole
Mace is used as a hot spice in every Indian kitchen. If you are suffering from diabetes, then you can eat dry mace by putting it in a casserole, etc. By doing this diabetes is controlled. Consuming this also reduces the amount of sugar flowing with the blood in the body.

Mace tea is very effective
Drinking mace tea is very effective to control diabetes. If you want, you can also drink mace-alone tea. To make this, boil the water and put mace flowers in it. If you want, you can also add green tea or jaggery to it. Drinking mace tea regularly will keep blood sugar under control.

Benefits of mace in diabetes
Mace has anti-diabetic properties. It helps in reducing blood sugar by controlling an enzyme called alpha-amylase. Apart from this, many other medicinal properties are found in mace, which is considered beneficial in controlling blood sugar in the body and keeping insulin resistance in check. Let us tell you that mace has astringent and aphrodisiac properties, which work to protect the body from many types of infections.
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