Globally, data show that at an early age (6-18 years), eye problems such as low-blurred vision, headache, and difficulty in focusing or seeing distant objects growing problems. Health experts say many environmental and routine disturbance problems are giving rise to these disorders. It is generally believed that as age increases, eye problems also increase, but these problems can affect the quality of life at an early age.

There are many different eye conditions and diseases that can affect a child's vision, say doctors. Doctors say, at present, lack of nutrition and an increase in screen time can be the two main reasons for these problems in children.
Since eyes are related to your quality of life, people of all ages must take special care of them.

Screen time and diet disturbances - two main reasons
Children spending more time on screens like mobile-laptop for a long time can be very harmful to the eyes. It is necessary to protect children from over-exposure to digital devices. Babies should be kept away from screens at all. In cases where children have to learn online, make sure they take extra care of their eyes and spend as much screen time as necessary.

Apart from this, lack of nutrition in the diet has been a major reason for eye problems. Let us know which things are necessary to include in the food to maintain better eye health.

Must include nuts in the diet
Nuts ie dry fruits are considered beneficial not only for the eyes but also for keeping the whole body healthy. Nuts and seeds can provide the recommended daily amount of vitamin E for adults. The study found that vitamin E, along with other nutrients, may help prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It has benefits in protecting the eyes of children as well. Hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds are good sources of vitamin E.

Eat dark green leafy greens
Kale, spinach and collard greens are rich in both vitamins C and E. They also contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which may be of great benefit in keeping the eyes healthy. Vitamin A has been found to reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases ranging from blurred vision in children to AMD and cataracts in adults. Green leafy greens are also beneficial for iron and other nutrients.

Benefits of eggs
Eggs not only provide protein, but the zinc they contain helps your body use lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds help protect the eyes from damage caused by harmful blue light emitted from screens. Eggs must be included in the diet for the overall development of children.

(PC: Freepik)