Being a mother is the most beautiful feeling in any woman's life. After delivery, women completely pay attention to their children. But along with this, it is important to pay attention to yourself and make yourself fit. Most women gain weight during pregnancy. Especially after delivery, if you do not do a proper diet and exercise, then your weight may increase day by day. However, the purpose of exercise after pregnancy should be to make your body active and your core strong. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such exercises which women must include in their daily routine after delivery.

If you want to see yourself fit after delivery, then do walk regularly. Walking has many benefits for the body. After about 6 weeks of delivery, go for a morning walk. By doing this your mind will also be calm. Along with this, your weight will also be under control.

Leg stretching
After the birth of the baby, you must do stretching of the legs. For this, first, lie down on your back. Now bend your one knee. After this, move the heel of your right foot upwards and keep it flat while bringing the foot down. After this, repeat the same action with the left leg. Do this exercise about 4 to 5 times. But keep in mind that you should be on a flat surface while doing this exercise.

Kegel exercises
Most experts recommend Kegel exercises to those who want a normal delivery. But let us tell you that Kegel exercises are not only helpful in a normal delivery, but it also helps in getting rid of the increased weight after delivery. If you are gaining weight after delivery, then definitely include Kegel exercises in your daily routine. Kegel exercises help tone your pelvic muscles. Repeat this exercise at least 5 times a day 10 to 20 times.