Nowadays, green tea has become the first choice of many people for weight loss. Some people want to lose weight as soon as possible by drinking 3-4 cups of green tea a day. But is green tea really good for health and can it reduce weight? Let us know from experts about how green tea benefits health what its side effects are and in what quantity it should be consumed. Dietician Nandini is giving this information. Nandini is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.

Drinking green tea can cause harm to health

  • Although green tea is considered good for health. But let us tell you that according to experts, it is not very effective in weight loss. Of course, it is good for body detox, but if you want to lose weight by drinking it, it is difficult.
  • According to experts, a very small percentage of weight-reducing elements are present in green tea available in the market, hence it does not have any significant effect on weight.
  • According to experts, you should not depend on green tea for weight loss, rather choose a healthy diet.
  • Many people drink green tea on an empty stomach to lose weight, but this can cause acidity.
  • Drinking green tea immediately after eating can also harm you. Because this creates difficulty in absorbing the nutrients present in the food.
  • Anti-oxidants are present in green tea, people who have anaemia or anaemia should avoid drinking it.
  • Due to the caffeine present in green tea, drinking too much green tea can also cause problems like headaches, insomnia and nausea.
  • In the case of some medicines and health conditions, consumption of green tea can cause harm. Green tea can harm the body by interacting with some medicines.
  • Too much green tea can also affect bone health and the liver.

The right way to drink green tea

If you want to drink green tea for body detox, then drink it 1-2 times a day. It would be best to drink it 1 hour after breakfast in the morning or the evening. Do not use green tea bags again and again. By drinking it in limited quantity and at the right time, you can get full benefit from it.

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