Health Care: Nowadays, due to the changing weather, viral fever is wreaking havoc. In every house, someone or the other is suffering from fever. This fever breaks a person to the core. Anyone who is having a viral fever is lying in the bed for almost a week. However, after getting medicine from the doctor, he is getting relief. But the body breaks down deep inside. In such a situation, there are certain types of asanas which can give you comfort. Let us know about those special postures.

Sheetali pranayama
Anyone who has caught viral fever should do Sheetali Pranayama. This pranayama is very beneficial. While doing Sheetali Pranayama, your whole body cools down. Which helps in reducing the increased body temperature. To do Sheetali Pranayama, the air is taken in through the mouth and breath is released through the nose. When we breathe through the mouth, the whole body gets coolness. This also relaxes your central nervous system, which cures fever.

Dead body
Shavasana is considered very beneficial when there is a fever. When a fever comes, the body becomes tired due to the fever at that time. And there is a lot of pain in the whole body. In such a situation, by doing Shavasana, the body gets a lot of relaxation. Which makes you feel better about yourself. Please tell that, after doing Sheetali Pranayama, you get more benefits by doing Shavasana.

Yoga nidrasana
Yoga Nidra and Shavasana are almost the same types of asanas. People who do this asana when they have a fever get benefits. Actually, by doing this asana, you feel very good mentally and physically. Which helps you to recover soon. Let us tell you that this posture is such a condition between sleep and wakefulness, which removes your tiredness and gives you a feeling of freshness.