Photo Credit: India TV Hindi

We all know that in order to stay healthy and fit, our body needs various types of nutrients, which list of nutrients also includes fiber. High fiber helps in keeping our digestive system healthy. Apart from this, along with giving us relief from the problem of constipation, it also keeps our intestines healthy. By consuming things rich in fiber, the stomach feels full for a long time, due to which you avoid consuming unhealthy things and in this way, it also helps you to lose weight. Due to not consuming unhealthy things, the risk of heart-related diseases also reduces and due to this, your blood sugar level also starts flowing under control. Through this article, let us tell you about some such foods rich in fiber that you must include in your diet. Let's know -

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Consume oats:

We all know very well that Oats is a very light food, but most people definitely include them in the weight loss diet, fiber is found in abundance in them, let us tell you that by consuming Oats, the blood sugar level is also under control.

Photo Credit: Zee News

* Sabja seeds:

Sabja seeds are very beneficial for our health, you can consume them by including them with smoothies, curd, and many other types of foods. Let us tell you that in the meantime fiber is found in plenty, along with it omega 3 All these nutrients present in fatty acids are very beneficial for our health.

* Pear :

We all know very well that pear is a very tasty fruit, but do you know that fiber is found in abundance in it, you must include pear intake in your diet.

* Beetroot :

To consume things rich in fiber, you can also include beetroot in your diet. Along with copper and manganese and potassium, folate, and iron are also found in beetroot. This root vegetable is very beneficial for our health. You can consume it in the form of salad and passion.

* Apple :

Let us tell you that fiber is found in plenty in apples. It helps in keeping your digestive system healthy. Consuming it also helps in reducing weight. Vitamin C and B vitamins are also found in apple, apart from this, it also has antioxidant properties that protect our body from the damage of free radicals.