Photo Credit: Medanta

We all know very well that it is very important to have strong bones to keep the body strong, but with increasing age, the bones of people start getting weak because, after the age of 35 to 40 years, the amount of calcium in the body decreases. It starts decreasing whose effect is clearly visible on our bones and teeth. To avoid this problem, apart from calcium, you also need vitamin D in your diet. Body pain and breaking of bones can be avoided only by supplying these nutrients. At present, it is seen that most young people are troubled by many types of problems related to bones, behind which habits are also responsible to a great extent, let us tell you through this article about some such habits which can harm your bones in time. Can make you weak before. Let's know -

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Excess consumption of red meat:

Let us tell you that in people who consume red meat in excess, their body starts getting more protein than necessary, due to which they may also have to face the problem of acidity, and during bowel movements, most of the calcium in the body is lost. It goes out, so a diet rich in protein should always be consumed in limited quantities.

* Carbonated Beverages :

Health experts say that people who consume carbonated beverages like cold drinks and soft drinks, their bones also start to weaken and they may have to face many problems related to bones. Let us tell you that such Phosphate is high in drinks. Which is largely responsible for reducing calcium, in such a situation, the bones gradually become weak.

Photo Credit: Hindustan

* Consumption of acidity medicines:

It is seen that some people have the problem of acidity, due to which these people keep consuming acidity medicines. But do you know that due to excessive consumption of acidity medicines, there are problems in the absorption of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your body?

* Tea-coffee intake:

If you want your bones to remain strong for a long time, then consume tea and coffee in minimum quantity because the caffeine found in it has a bad effect on the bones. Due to drinking excessive amounts of tea and coffee, the bones gradually begin to weaken and later you may have to face bone pain and bone-related problems.