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We all know very well that as soon as the rainy season comes, greenery starts spreading all around and the surrounding environment becomes very refreshing, but do you know that the monsoon season also brings many problems with it? The risk of infection and diseases increases significantly. In this season, the problem of nasal congestion of people is seen a lot. Due to changes in weather and increased humidity, breathing becomes difficult. Although there is a treatment for the problem with the doctor, but you can also adopt some home remedies to get relief from this problem. Let us tell you through this article some such home remedies by adopting which you can get relief from the problem of a blocked nose. Let's know -

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* Steam :

Let us tell you that even taking it from the nose can help in loosening the mucus frozen in the respiratory tract, due to which you get instant relief, for this you just do not have to boil the water and put it in a bowl and wash your head. Lean over the bowl covered with water and try to breathe through the nose. Keep doing this process continuously for some time, if you come home two to three times a day, then you will get relief from the problem of Bandana very soon.

* Clean the nose with salt water:

To get relief from the problem of a blocked nose, cleaning the nose with salt water is also considered a very effective solution, for this you have to rinse your nose with a solution of salt water. For this, first of all, mix one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and use it to clean the nasal passages gently. For this, you can take the help of neti pot, which is specially designed for this. Some caution is needed while adopting this remedy.

Photo Credit: India TV Hindi

* Ginger tea:

Let us tell you that natural anti-inflammatory properties are found in ginger. Jog can help in relieving the problem of a clogged nose, for this, you can soak chopped ginger in water for some time, after that add honey to it and drink tea. Drink sip by sip when it is hot.

* Keep the body hydrated:

To avoid such problems occurring during the monsoon season, you should include more and more liquid diet like water, herbal tea, and hot soup, etc. in your diet. Consuming these helps in thinning the mucus, which reduces nasal congestion.