To keep our body healthy and fit, many types of nutrients are needed, in which one nutrient is also omega 3 fatty acid, which is very important for maintaining good health. These fatty acids are found in high amounts in some types of fish, besides omega 3 fatty acids are also found in nets and many types of seeds. When a person does not consume omega-3 fatty acids in sufficient quantity and there is a deficiency in his body. Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency causes many major diseases. Let us tell you through this article, due to the deficiency of Omega 3 fatty acids, which diseases you can be a victim. Let's know -

* Heart-related diseases:

Health experts state that omega-3 fatty acids work to reduce inflammation and improve cholesterol levels. If there is a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in our body, then due to its deficiency, the risk of heart-related diseases increases significantly.

* Depression and anxiety problems:

Research has come to the fore that due to the lack of Omega 3 fatty acids in the body, the person suffering from the problem of depression and anxiety increases significantly.

* Decreased ability to understand:

Health experts say that omega-3 fatty acid is a very important nutrient for maintaining the health of our brain, if it starts deficient in our body, then our ability to understand starts decreasing and the risk of dementia decreases. Omega 3 fatty acids are very effective in doing this too.

* Swelling problem:

Omega 3 fatty acid is effective in reducing the problem of inflammation in our body because it has anti-inflammatory effects. A deficiency in this nutrient can lead to an increase in chronic inflammation in our bodies. Which can cause many diseases.

* Skin-related problems:

Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and maintain healthy skin by promoting hydration in our bodies. Due to the deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in the body, the skin becomes dry and with this, the risk of eczema and other skin-related problems increases.