Photo credit: Times Now

It is seen that most people start feeling lethargic and tired during the summer season, in such a situation it is very important to keep yourself hydrated because due to dehydration, many problems related to the five have to be faced, due to which people also have the problem of constipation. In such a situation, it is very important to drink a sufficient amount of water. To keep your digestive system healthy, you can include many types of fruits rich in fiber in your diet, by consuming them you get rid of digestive problems like indigestion, abdominal pain, constipation, etc. Let us know in detail about these fruits through this article –

* Citrus Fruits :

Let us tell you that consumption of citrus fruits is very beneficial for our health. Citrus fruits include many fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and grapefruit. Vitamin C is found in plenty in citrus fruits, apart from this it contains pectin. This is a soluble fiber. Citrus fruits are found here in abundance. By consuming them, you get rid of the problem of constipation.

Photo credit: India TV Hindi

* Pear :

Let us tell you that soluble fiber is also found in pear, it is effective in keeping your intestines healthy, and consuming it helps to get rid of the problem of constipation. You can also consume pear directly or in the form of salad.

* Bananas

The first is a very healthy and tasty fruit, consuming it helps to get rid of the problem of constipation because soluble fiber is found in bananas, which gives relief from the problem of constipation. Banana is also very beneficial for the problem of diarrhea, you can include banana intake in your diet in your own way.

* Apple :

Consuming apple is very beneficial for our health because soluble and soluble fiber is found in it, consuming it helps to overcome the problem of constipation, apart from this, consuming apple also gives many other benefits to our health regularly. Consuming it regularly reduces the risk of many diseases.