Photo Credit: Jagran

At present, it is seen that due to poor lifestyle and wrong eating habits, high blood pressure has become a common disease. According to reports, it is said that one out of every five people is currently suffering from the problem of high BP. Here, nothing can be said about when the problem of high BP will take the form of a heart attack later on. According to health experts, whenever there is a hindrance in the functioning of the heart, it starts alerting the person by giving special signals. We should never ignore those signs otherwise it doesn't take long for the heart to fail. Let us tell you through this article about the symptoms that are seen in the body before a heart attack -

Photo Credit: Redcliffe Labs

* Dizziness :

Dizziness is a common thing in people suffering from high blood pressure due to an increase in blood pressure, but sometimes this dizziness can also be a sign of heart attack, hence do not always make the mistake of associating dizziness with blood pressure and feeling abnormal. Immediately contact your nearest doctor.

* Sweating in the body:

When our body is normal but suddenly we start sweating, then it can be a dangerous sign for you because it has two meanings, firstly it can be a sign of an increase in blood pressure in the body and secondly it can also be an early symptom of heart attack.

Photo Credit: Redcliffe Labs

*Increased heartbeat:

Health experts say that if your heartbeat has suddenly become faster, then do not make the mistake of ignoring it because it can be a sign of high BP. Many times this can happen due to running around, overwork, nervousness, or sleeping. Heartbeat also becomes faster. That's why always try to normalize your heartbeat, otherwise, you may suffer a heart attack.

* Shortness of breath:

Symptoms like shortness of breath are commonly seen in people suffering from high BP but do not ignore these symptoms by considering them as just a sign of high BP. Doing so could invite a heart attack. As soon as such symptoms appear in the body, immediately contact your doctor and get your body checked.