Health Care: Whenever the weather changes, it brings many types of diseases with it. These days the problem of fever and cold and cough has made many people their victims. The fever that is going on these days bothers me a lot for about seven days. Although there is relief in fever in a few days, cough and body aches do not go away quickly. Which causes a lot of trouble. Actually, after the onset of fever, our immunity becomes weak. In such a situation, if your immune system is weak, then you will quickly become vulnerable to disease and infection. In today's article, we are going to tell you some tips by which you can strengthen your weak immunity.

Include foods rich in Vitamin C in your diet Health Care
If you want to strengthen your immunity, then consume Vitamin C Rich Foods in your regular diet. Like oranges, grapes, kiwis, papaya, strawberry, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, tomato etc... Vitamin C is found in abundance in all these. Apart from this, lemon also contains Vitamin C in abundance. That's why you drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice daily. This increases your immunity.

Include garlic ginger in your diet
Many qualities are found in garlic ginger. Which are very beneficial for our bodies. People who have immunity week can strengthen their immunity by consuming them. Let us tell you that garlic has immunomodulatory properties. Due to this the immune system is strengthened. Also, anti-inflammatory properties are found in ginger. You can make a decoction and drink it to strengthen your immunity.

Consume cloves and black pepper Health Care
Cloves and black pepper present in our kitchen have many properties. Which are very good for our health. These also increase your immunity. You can also make a decoction of them and drink them. But keep in mind that consume it only in limited quantity. Because these days it is summer season. And the effect of both these things is also warm. You can also drink black pepper and clove tea. Apart from this, you can also use them to make vegetables.

Do deep breathing exercises
Deep breathing exercises make your immunity strong. Along with this, many other benefits are also available. You can also strengthen your immunity by doing deep breathing exercises. For this, you sit in one place and keep your back straight. Breathe in and release slowly. Repeat this process 10 to 15 times. Please tell that to do deep breathing exercises, look for a quiet place and it is very good to do it in the morning.