In this era of present times, many people like to exercise in the gym in the desire for weight loss and an attractive body. After working out for hours in the gym, you can lose weight. It is often seen that many youths join the gym with enthusiasm and play with their health in pursuit of quick weight loss. When you work out in the gym on the first day, muscle pain starts and the next day you do not go to the gym. If you exercise in the wrong way, it can prove to be harmful to your body. In such a situation, before joining the gym, you should know some important things about which we are going to tell you. Let's know about it...

Understand your needs
First of all, you should know what you have to join the gym. You want to lose weight or you are going to the gym for fitness or you want to build your body and abs. You should exercise according to your physical ability. It is not right to go to the gym before the age of 18.

Do warm-up
Before you start training, do not forget to warm up before exercising with the machine, which is very important. This will prevent injury while doing gym. Do machine exercise only after your body is warm. Failure to warm up increases the chances of injury in the body. So warm up for at least 15 minutes.

Don't start with heavy machines
Whenever you work out in the gym on the first day, keep in mind that do not lift heavy machines. Do light exercise first? Do warm-up and stretching. This will help in opening the muscles.