image credit: timesofindia

People are often troubled by the problem of headaches. This pain is caused by stress and lack of sleep. Sometimes the pain becomes so severe that it interferes with daily functioning and life. In this case, you should use herbal oil before taking the medicine. These are a kind of natural pain reliever, due to which you will not have any side effects and will also get relief from headaches. Let's know about this oil-

Peppermint Oil: To get rid of headaches, you can massage your head with peppermint oil. Peppermint contains menthol, which relaxes muscles. It reduces pain by activating the nerves. Apart from this, its specialty is that it reduces anxiety.

image credit: verywellmind

Chamomile oil: Headaches caused by fatigue and anxiety. In this case, you can massage with chamomile oil. It can give relief from headaches. It is also helpful in relieving symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia. It relaxes your mind.

image credit: health

Lavender oil: You can also massage lavender oil for headaches. This can help reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety. It can also provide relief from migraine pain. We told you that the anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil calm the nerves of the brain.