Valentine's Week is celebrated in the second week of February, in which there are different days to celebrate love. Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Promise Day, Hug Day Kiss Day, etc. are celebrated in this week. Teddy Day is celebrated on the fourth day of Valentine's week. A Teddy bear is a kind of soft toy, that is generally liked by children or most girls. But do you know why Teddy Day is celebrated on Valentine's Week? What is the relation of the teddy with love and what is the history of the teddy bear? Know interesting facts related to teddy bears in the next slide.

History of Teddy Bear
Teddy bears originated in the 20th century. Once the President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, went hunting in the forest. He was accompanied by assistant Holt Collier. Colleen captured an injured black bear and tied it to a tree. But seeing the bear in injured condition, the President's heart melted and he refused to kill the bear.

A picture of the President's generosity was published in 'The Washington Post newspaper, which was drawn by cartoonist Clifford Berryman. Seeing the picture published in the newspaper, businessman Morris Michtom made a toy in the shape of a baby bear, which was designed by his wife and the toy was named Teddy.

Why was the bear toy named Teddy?
There was a reason for naming this toy Teddy. The idea of making a toy bear came from President Roosevelt. President Roosevelt's nickname was Teddy. This toy was dedicated to the President, so the business couple took permission to use his name and launched it.

Why is Teddy Day celebrated on Valentine's week?
Teddy bear brings a feeling of freshness, happiness, and security. Teddy is soft and beautiful, seeing which the desire to love increases. At the same time, its invention was also due to generosity, love, and compassion. In such a situation, Valentine's Day provides a great opportunity to express such feelings.

During Valentine's week, people express their feelings to their loved ones through roses, chocolates, hugs, and kisses. At the same time, a teddy bear can also become a special gift to make your beloved feel loved. Most girls like stuffed toys. Boys impress their partners by gifting them teddy bears, hence 10th February was also included as Teddy Day in Valentine's Week.

What does an ideal teddy bear look like?
The design and color of the teddy bear have special significance for the expression of emotions. A red colored teddy holding a heart is a symbol of expression of love. The pink teddy is a symbol of friendship and giving a chance to a relationship.

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