Everyone knows the importance of hair for women. From beauty point of view, it is very important for hair to be long and thick. But in today's busy life, taking care of hair is a challenging task. Due to polluted environment and stress, major problems like hair breakage, fall, dryness etc. start appearing. For this, we usually use many products and things available in the market, but many times they lead to more skin and hair fall. In such a situation, today we have brought for you information about some such juices which work to provide nutrition to the hair with their nutrients. Let us know about these juices...

Garlic juice
Like onion, garlic is also considered very good for hair. It supplies the follicles of your hair scalp. You can grate it and apply its juice on your hair. If you want, apply grated garlic to your hair also. If you want, you can also apply onion juice mixed with garlic juice. At the same time, try to include garlic in your diet also.

Lemon juice
Lemon has always been used as a cosmetic. It has many such properties, which not only benefit health but also strengthen the hair. Applying lemon juice on the roots of the hair strengthens the roots. Due to this, hair grows quickly. Take some lemon juice. Prepare a paste by adding aloe vera gel to it. Apply this paste thoroughly on the roots of the hair. Let it dry for about 20-30 minutes, then wash the hair with a mild shampoo. This will remove the dirt sitting in the hair and scalp.

Spinach juice
Since spinach is easily available at a very low price in winter, you can apply spinach juice to your hair in this season to benefit your hair. Essential nutrients for hair, such as minerals, vitamins and iron etc. are found in it. If your hair is thin or you have itching in your hair, you can still use spinach juice. Spinach contains Vitamin B which brings shine to the hair.

Onion juice
Onion juice is also useful in removing all types of hair related problems. Onion juice helps in bringing shine back to the hair. Due to this the hair starts shining. Premature graying of hair also stops. Often, hair falls more than in some places, in such a situation, by applying onion juice regularly, hair starts growing again. Mix olive oil in onion juice. Apply it on the roots of the hair. You will start seeing the difference within a few months.

Aloe vera juice
When it comes to hair fall or hair growth, aloe vera juice can help you. Aloe vera is equally beneficial for skin as well as hair. Actually, aloe vera juice contains many types of vitamins, which provide strength to the hair. Besides, the enzymes present in it provide nourishment to your scalp and also moisturize them. If you have to face the problem of dandruff along with hair fall, then aloe vera juice can be beneficial. You can make this juice a part of your diet. Additionally, this juice can also be applied directly on the hair. Wash hair about 20 minutes after applying aloe vera juice.

Ginger juice
As important as the vitamins, magnesium and copper present in ginger are for the body, the antibacterial properties present in it are also beneficial for the hair. It removes the problem of dandruff and itching on the scalp. Extract the juice of ginger. Add olive oil or coconut oil to it. Now apply it on the scalp and massage it well. After leaving it for two-three hours, wash hair with anti-dandruff shampoo. Along with itching, the problem of dandruff will also go away.

Coriander juice
Coriander is commonly used in daily food. You will be surprised to know that coriander leaves contain many types of medicinal elements. Nutrients like protein, iron, fiber and vitamin A, vitamin B are found in coriander. Similarly, tomato and amla are rich in vitamin C. These elements increase the shine of hair and also provide relief from the problem of hair breakage and split ends. To make this juice, first take a few coriander leaves, one tomato, one gooseberry and a glass of water and grind them in a blender. This juice is also good for maintaining your immunity during the rainy season so that you remain safe from diseases.

Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice is also a good option for hair. If your hair is very thin and weak then apply cucumber juice on the hair. This will improve the quality of your hair. The enzymes present in it reduce hair fall. Apart from this, they increase the circulation of hemoglobin in cells and hair follicles. Also drink a glass of cucumber juice regularly. It will help in eliminating almost every hair problem. Cucumber juice also removes toxins from the body, which brings glow on the face.

(PC: Lifeberrys)