Photo credit: Youngisthan

To get relief from this dandruff and greasy look, people adopt many methods and also use many types of hair products available in the market, these hair products can be harmful to our hair due to chemical content, so today in this article Through medium we are going to tell you about onion hair serum to get relief from all the problems related to hair. By using this your hair growth starts getting better and your hair starts getting longer, thicker, and stronger. Let us tell you that sulfur is found in a very good amount in onions, which helps to overcome the problem of hair loss, apart from this, using onions also prevents premature graying. Let us tell you in detail about onion hair serum through -

Photo credit: HerZindagi

* Ingredients needed to make Onion Hair Serum:

1. Onion - 2 to 3 pieces

2. Water - 1 glass

3. Tea leaves - 2 to 3 teaspoons

* Method of making onion hair serum:

1. Onion hair serum is considered very beneficial to get relief from all the problems related to hair. To make it, first of all, take a pan.

2. After this, you put water in it and leave it to heat up.

3. Now peel 2 onions and cut them into small pieces.

4. After this you put 3 spoons of tea leaves in hot water.

5. Now let it boil well for a while.

Photo credit: Jagran

6. After this add onion pieces and boil for about 10-15 minutes.

7. Now remove this prepared mixture from the gas and leave it to cool down.

8. After this, filter it with the help of a sieve and fill it in a spray bottle.

9. Now keep the prepared spray in the fridge to cool down.

10. In this way your onion hair serum is ready.

11. Now you shampoo your hair to use it and after that, you use this hair serum.