Hair Care Tips: Today we are going to tell you some easy ways to take care of hair in winter. By adopting these home remedies, your hair looks soft and shiny even in the bitter cold.

Winter Hair Care Tips: As soon as the winter season comes, cold winds start blowing, which makes your hair dry and tangled. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to take proper care of the hair. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some easy ways to take care of hair in winter. By adopting these home remedies, your hair looks soft and shiny even in the bitter cold.

Along with this, by adopting these hair care tips, your hair also provides relief from dryness and itching caused by dandruff. Not only this, but it also helps in preventing hair fall, so let's know (Winter Hair Care Tips) Winter Hair Care Tips.

Take care of hair like this in winter

To protect hair from dry winds in winter, tie a cap or scarf. This will not harm the hair.

Massage your hair with warm oil once a week. Then you wash the hair after one or one and a half hours.

You can also apply an egg hair mask once a week to deep condition your hair.

Avoid washing your hair with very hot water. That's why you wash your hair with normal lukewarm water only.

Mix one bowl of milk and one spoon of honey and apply them to the hair. This adds shine to your hair.

Dandruff accumulates in the hair in winter, for this you can wash your head with curd. This reduces dandruff.

Use hair serum. This reduces the frizziness and dryness of your hair.

Wash hair with green tea water. For this, mix one cup of green tea with one mug of water. Then apply this water to the hair for 10 minutes and wash the hair.

Avoid washing hair daily in winter. Due to this, the essential oils of your hair start getting depleted.

Trim the hair once every 2-3 months. This removes the problem of split ends and improves the texture of the hair.