Photo Credit:Hindustan

We all know very well that it is very difficult to take care of curly hair in the summer season, because in this season the hair becomes weak and fragile, if it is not taken care of properly, then the hair becomes frizzy. Moisturizer for hair also ends, so if your hair is also curly and you want to keep your hair healthy, then you must read this article because by following these tips, you can keep your hair healthy even in the summer season. Let us know about it in detail through this article –

* Use chemical-free shampoo:

Hair experts say that many times the use of the wrong shampoo completely destroys the natural oil of our hair, so always use such shampoo for hair that is chemical-free. Choose shampoo according to your hair so that you will always be able to keep your hair healthy.

Photo Credit: Latest-Hairstyles

* Take special care of towel:

Hair experts tell that after washing curly hair, never use a thick towel. Because it can damage the hair, it starts breaking your hair, apart from this, due to its use, your hair starts looking dry and lifeless. Let us tell you that thick towels damage the cuticles of the hair. That's why use a thin towel for hair.

Photo Credit: Zee News

* Hair brush :

Let us tell you that never use a hair brush for curly hair. Rather, you should always use a wide-mouth comb for curly hair. Using a hairbrush after washing your hair can be harmful. This can cause hair breakage or damage.

* Do not use hair styling tools:

According to hair experts, never use high-temperature hair styling tools for curly hair. Because their use makes your hair lifeless. So avoid using high-temperature hair styling tools.

* Avoid using color:

When the temperature is rising in the summer season, then the use of color for hair should be avoided. Even by mistake, bleach or color should not be used in the hair in the summer season, because the colors are hard, they take away the moisture of the hair. Because of this, your hair starts looking dehydrated and lifeless.