Hair fall has become a common problem nowadays. Everyone from women to men is troubled by this problem. According to Ayurvedic experts, hair fall is caused by lifestyle problems like diet, stress, obesity and not taking proper care of hair. At the same time, chemical-filled shampoos and cosmetics also directly harm the hair. Poor digestion and constipation are also one of the main reasons for hair loss. According to an Ayurvedic expert, many things are seen in common in people who have hair fall problems. As if-

-Disturbed/improper sleep
-Poor nutrition
-Chemical Shay Hair-Treatment
-Never oil your hair
-Drink less/more water
-Hormonal imbalance
-Adrenal fatigue
-Excessive/lack of exercise
-Crash diet

According to Ayurveda, poor digestion (Mandagni) is responsible for all the diseases in our body. Sleep gets spoiled due to stress. Due to improper sleep, your body will not get enough rest to function properly. Thus, hormonal imbalance- PCOS, thyroid and diabetes, iron deficiency, low immunity, digestive issues like acidity, gastric troubles, IBS and bloating, low levels of Vitamin B12 and D3 (every other reason for hair fall) is visible.

Another important aspect of hair loss is a sedentary lifestyle. To be healthy, your body needs to be healthy from the inside. You can do yoga, meditation, exercise, dance, Zumba, power-yoga, or whatever (whatever works for you, whatever relieves your stress). Exercise improves your blood circulation which helps you sleep better and stay peaceful. Remember your body repairs itself well when you sleep.

As per Ayurveda patients are asked to eat a nutrition-rich diet, move more (exercise is important), sleep peacefully, and stay away from stress. Let us tell you that this is enough to lead a healthy, happy, and disease-free life. It becomes more important for women to pay special attention to it. Eat more red fruits and vegetables (pomegranate, carrot, beetroot, tomato), stay hydrated (very little), and don't take the stress.

Along with this, be active, be positive, keep exercising, and eat jaggery, honey, or sugar candy instead of sugar. Limit the intake of fast and processed food. The more aware you are about the basics, the healthier you and your family will be. That's why to take deep breaths, eat right, sleep soundly and walk more, this will not only keep hair health good, but all these habits are necessary for overall health.