Dandruff in hair spoils the entire look, especially if you have to go to a party or function, it becomes more difficult. Due to this problem, the hair starts looking even more dirty. Apart from this, problems like hair fall and itching also start occurring. Women use different types of beauty products to get relief from hair fall and dandruff. But only with these Ayurvedic remedies, you can get rid of this problem. So let's know about these tips...

Why does dandruff occur in hair?
Dandruff accumulated at the root of the scalp starts falling out of the hair in the form of white flakes in the corpus of dead skin cells. Apart from this, the fungus also starts eating the sebum, due to which the scalp becomes more dry. Therefore, if you want to avoid dandruff then do not apply oil to your hair for a long time.

It has antifungal properties so it helps in removing dandruff.
First of all, take 2 garlic cloves crush them, and mix them with water.
After this, apply the prepared water to the scalp.
If you want your hair does not smell bad, you can also add honey to water.
Apply the prepared water to the scalp. After the stipulated time, wash the hair with plain water.

Neem tree
Antibacterial and antifungal properties found in Neem help in removing dandruff. You can also use neem leaves to remove itching caused by hair.
First of all boil neem leaves in water.
Then mix neem water in plain water and wash your hair with this water.
Washing hair regularly will remove the problem of dandruff.
But keep in mind that do not use neem juice by mixing it with water. It can harm the skin.

You can use fenugreek to get relief from dandruff.
To get relief from the fenugreek hair pack, soak the seeds in water.
First of all, soak the fenugreek seeds overnight.
Filter the water and make a paste of the seeds. Apply the prepared paste thoroughly on the scalp.
Apply this paste on hair for about 1 hour. After the stipulated time, wash the hair with plain water.
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