As soon as the winter season comes, laziness is seen in people, the effect of which is also visible on their skin and hair. Yes, in winter when the skin loses its moisture, dryness is also seen in the hair. People take care of their skin but ignore the hair, which can prove to be a big mistake. Due to this, many people also have to face the problem of hair fall, dandruff, and dry hair. By taking proper care of the hair in the winter season, it can be made beautiful and thick again. Many people question how to take care of hair in winter. So let us tell you about this.

Apply regular oil
In winter, massage your scalp and hair with oil once or twice a week. This will strengthen your hair from the roots and also moisturize it. Coconut oil, Brandi oil, Argan oil, Brahmi oil, Almond oil, Sesame oil, or Olive oil are beneficial for hair. The oil should be applied overnight and shampooed in the morning.

Need to wash hair
Always remember to wash your hair at least 2-3 times a week during winter. This habit will help protect your hair from the harsh cold weather and will also prevent your hair from drying out too much and will also help keep it smooth and healthy.

To wash the hair in the winter season, shampoos should be used which do not contain chemicals. As far as possible, use SLS-free shampoos to wash your hair. By using SLS-Mux Shampoo, the natural oil of the scalp remains and hair problems can be overcome.

Use lukewarm water
In winter everyone usually likes to take a hot water bath as it gives us a relaxed feeling. So, you increase the temperature of the water but always take care not to use extremely hot water for your hair. It is also not good for your hair and scalp. It dries out your hair and can also damage the skin of your scalp. Always use lukewarm water to wash hair in winter.

Do not leave hair unattended after washing
Dry hair is also a big problem in winter. But going out or sleeping with wet hair is very wrong. This causes more damage to the hair and breaks. If you leave your hair wet for too long in this weather, they become frizzy. This causes more hair breakage. If you apply color to your hair, the color tends to fade quickly when wet. Don't rub the towel too hard, it can break the hair. Let it air dry instead.

Hair styling tools
Hair gets damaged due to excessive use of hair styling tools. You can also apply Argan oil before applying any kind of hair styling tool which acts as a good hair serum. It protects hair from unnecessary damage by acting as a heat protectant.

Apply hair mask
Hair masks are most needed in the winter season to protect the scalp and hair from dryness. A hair mask helps to keep hair away from dryness and provides nourishment to the scalp. You can try a hair mask from any company available in the market or you can make it at home.