Hair Care: At present, most people use different things to make themselves look beautiful. Many people adopt home remedies, while many people use artificial things according to the trend. As nowadays the trend of applying hair extensions among girls is very high. The problem of hair loss has become very common due to poor diet. Due to this, the growth of hair is also very less. Seeing this problem, women apply hair extensions to their hair.

It is very easy to get hair extensions done, but if you do not take proper care of the hair after getting the extension, then hair damage can also happen. In such a situation, in today's article, we will tell you about those things, which you have to take care of after hair extensions. Taking care of these things, the hair extension will remain in the hair for a long time.

Be careful while washing hair
After applying hair extensions, special care has to be taken while washing the hair. While washing hair, you can apply shampoo to the roots of the hair as usual, but keep in mind that do not rub them too much.

Stay away from conditioner
Never use conditioner after getting hair extensions. If you do this, they will start moving from their place. Always wash your hair with lukewarm water after extensions.

Take care while combing your hair
You need to be careful while combing your hair after getting hair extensions. Do not brush the hair with extensions too fast. Doing so will make your extensions lose and look downright useless.

Stay away from machines
After getting hair extensions, never use machines in hair because it is seen many times that girls use machines to make hairstyle. Using curlers or straighteners will damage extensions.
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