Period days are a bit more difficult for any woman. Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, feeling weak, headache, irritability, and many other problems can occur. For some women, period cramps are mild and can be tolerated. At the same time, some women have unbearable pain during their periods. With these cramps, it becomes very difficult to manage the things of daily routine.

If you take painkillers when there is more pain in periods, then it is also not good. Painkillers can provide relief from pain for some time but in reality, they are not good for health. Many easy hacks can help you get relief from period cramps. Dietician Radhika Goyal has told about these hacks on her Instagram account. Let's know about these hacks

Saffron and Raisin Water

Drink more and more water to get relief from period cramps. During this, it is also very important to keep the body hydrated. Drink normal water but at the same time drink saffron and raisins mixed in water for period cramps. This will give relieve pain. Soak some raisins and saffron threads overnight and drink this water little by little throughout the day.

Take care of your diet

Period cramps have a direct relation with our diet, but women are often unaware of this fact. Lack of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in the body can also cause more cramps during periods. In this case, take a diet rich in nutrition. Include those things in your diet which have more of these three.

Stay away from stress

Period cramps are also affected by stress. It is also very important for you to be relaxed during periods. Yoga, meditation and light exercise are also recommended to get rid of period cramps, although whether you want to exercise during these days or not, completely depends on your comfort.

Do a warm compress

Hot fomentation is also very good during periods. Apply heat to the lower abdomen with a hot water bottle, heating pad, or warm cloth. You will feel relief from cramps. This is the easiest and most effective way to get rid of period cramps.

Papaya consumption

Consuming raw papaya is also effective to relieve period pain. If you eat it in mid-cycle then period cramps can be reduced. There is a lot of fibre in it. It also removes cramps occurring during periods.