To stay healthy, it is very important to have good gut health. Healthy bacteria present in the gut keep our digestion proper, make immunity strong, prevent the growth of bad bacteria and help keep the body healthy. When intestinal health deteriorates, good bacteria start decreasing and bad bacteria start increasing. Poor gut health affects not only digestion but our overall health. Even our mental health is affected by this. If you have a leaky gut, you may have difficulty digesting certain food items. Doctor Shikha Sharma is telling us about this. Doctor Sharma studied in Delhi. By following Vedic and modern nutrition, she helps people choose the right diet and stay healthy.

Obesity problem

If your gut health is poor, your weight may increase. Bad eating habits, drinking less water and taking a high-fat diet can spoil gut health and lead to weight gain. Gut microbiota helps reduce obesity and metabolic disorders associated with obesity. In such a situation, if there is an imbalance in the gut, the problem of obesity may occur.

Anxiety and depression

You might be unaware of this, but poor gut health can lead to anxiety and depression. Serotonin and dopamine both are happy hormones. If gut health is not good, the levels of these hormones are affected. If our digestion is not proper, our mood is also affected and this can sometimes lead to the problem of anxiety and depression.

Gas and Bloating

The first and direct impact of poor gut health is on our digestion. Gas produced in the stomach is the first sign that some food is getting fermented in the stomach and this fermentation can be due to an imbalance of bacteria. When there is an imbalance of bacteria in the large intestine, the food does not break down properly and becomes difficult to digest.

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