Guava is a fruit which is liked a lot not only in India but all over the world, there is no dearth of nutrients in it, which is why most dieticians recommend eating it. The price of guava is not high, hence both the poor and the rich can eat it. Let us know what are the benefits of guava that you should know.

10 benefits of eating guava
1. Immunity will be boosted

Guava is considered a rich source of Ascorbic Acid i.e. Vitamin C, which increases immunity and protects you from many viral diseases.

2. Digestion will be improved
Guava is considered a rich source of fiber, which improves digestion and provides relief from stomach problems like constipation.

3. Weight will be less
Weight can be controlled to a great extent through guava because it contains fewer calories and more fiber.

4. Relief in diabetes
People who eat guava, their blood sugar level remains under control and if you are a diabetic patient then you must eat this fruit.

5. Cleansing the intestines
This fruit helps in keeping the intestine clean and healthy, which maintains your health.

6. Prevention of heart diseases
Guava contains a good amount of potassium, which is beneficial for heart health.

7. Beneficial for eyes
Guava is also very beneficial for our eyes because it contains Vitamin A, which sharpens the eyesight.

8. Blood purification
The consumption of guava helps in purifying the blood and controls blood pressure.

9. Oxygen supply
Guava contains nutrients that help in delivering oxygen to many parts of the body, which improves your health.

10. Cancer prevention
Guava contains potent antioxidants, which can help fight against cancer.

(PC: Freepik)