Consumption of fruits and dry fruits is considered good for our health. Today we are talking about grapes and raisins made from it. Grapes such a fruit whose sour-sweet taste attracts many people towards it. On the other hand, raisins are prepared by drying grapes, which many people like. It is used to garnish sweets and sweet dishes. Grapes contain 80 percent water, while the water content in raisins remains only 15 percent.

Raisins vs Grapes
Now the question arises that when both grapes and raisins are beneficial for health, then which thing should be considered more healthy? Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, answered this question.

More calories are found in raisins than in grapes. Raisins are prepared after drying the grapes. Sugar and antioxidants are used in this process which gets converted into the form of calories. If you eat half a cup of grapes, you will get only 30 calories, when you eat the same amount of raisins, the body will get 250 calories.

The benefits of eating raisins
Raisins are considered a rich source of fiber, apart from this, important minerals like iron and potassium are found in this dry fruit. Raisins also have anti-inflammatory properties, which help in balancing bacteria in the intestine.

Benefits of eating grapes
Vitamin C and antioxidants are found in grapes, both these nutrients help in keeping the cells of our skin young. Along with this, they also protect your skin from the rays that give rise to cancer. If you consume grapes, then dark spots and wrinkles will start reducing from the face.

Which is healthier raisins and grapes?
Both things are beneficial for health in their way, but grapes are considered healthy because the thing which has fewer calories is better for health. So try to eat the fruit in its original form.