Tech giant Google announced last month that it was shutting down its album archive feature. According to the company, this service will not be available for Google users from July 19 ie tomorrow. Google's album archive feature allows users to view and manage content from various Google products. However, from tomorrow Google is going to discontinue this feature.

Album Archive and Data
The deadline for the album archive is July 19, with only one day left. Google will pull the plug tomorrow and all Hangout data will be deleted forever. That is, if you want to save your data, then you have to back it up as soon as possible.

what will be deleted?
The biggest confusion about this whole album archive data deletion is whether or not regular gallery photos will be deleted as a part of it. For information, let us know that Google is going to delete only Hangouts data under Album Archive. That means photos sent and received from this app will be deleted.
That is, if you use Hangouts for personal or office work and to share photos and screenshots, then you should back up the data before July 19. Because after July 19 that data will be deleted. The question is how to save that data. Well, Google has also told us how to save the data with this warning. Let us know how you can save your data.
Follow these steps to download the data.
Open and log in with your Google Account.
After login, de-select all the options available at the top.
Then, scroll down and select the checkbox in front of the Album Archive option.
Scroll down and click on the Next Step button.
How do you want to receive the download link - Email or add data directly to another cloud storage like Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and Box Choose your preferred option and click on the Export button.
Wait till you get the Download link (if you have selected the download link) option. If you have selected the option to export data to another cloud storage, enter the login credentials to transfer the data.

(pc amarujala)