If you also use Google and have a Gmail account, then you need to be careful. Hackers have become so clever that they will keep using your Gmail and you will not even be aware. Many such cases have come to the fore in which cyber thieves have taken access to people's Google accounts and the users are not even aware of it. Today we will tell you a method, with the help of which you will be able to find out if any other person is not using your Gmail. Let's know...

First, go to the settings of your Android phone
Make sure to turn on Two Factor Authentication for the security of your Google Account.

After that scroll down and Google will appear

Now click on Manage your Google account

Now click on the option of Security.

Now click on the option Your devices.

Then click on Manage all devices.

Here you will see a list of all those devices.

Whichever phone or laptop is not yours, delete it and sign out.

Make sure to turn on Two Factor Authentication for the security of your Google Account.
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