Are you experiencing stiffness and severe localized pain in the shoulders that make it difficult to perform other activities? This could be a sign of a frozen shoulder, the symptoms of which may gradually worsen over time. Mostly, this happens after an operation or an injury. Practicing yoga can help reduce this sudden stiffness in your shoulders. Apart from this, it can also improve your overall health. Here are some yoga postures that you should try to provide relief from frozen shoulders.

Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana:
Cobra pose is a great way to improve the flexibility of your spine and back, it cures frozen shoulders. It works to reduce the tension in the shoulders and neck.

Step 1: Begin by lying on your stomach, legs straight behind you, and toes pointing outwards.
Step 2: Place your hands on the ground next to your shoulders and keep your elbows close to your body with your fingers spread.
Step 3: Breathe in and lift your head and torso off the ground by pressing your palms firmly on the surface. Be relaxed and keep your shoulders away from your ears.
Step 4: Keep your forearms on the ground and your elbows close to your torso. To lift your chest, flex your back muscles, but avoid arching your lower back.
Step 5: After maintaining the position take a deep breath, release your chest, and bring your head back to the ground.

Fish pose (Matsyasana):
Through Matsyasana, the entire vertebral column gets strength and flexibility. With consistent practice, it can reduce pain and stiffness and increase mobility of the shoulder.

Step 1: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Step 2: Slide your hands under your hips with your palms down.
Step 3: Press your elbows and forearms into the ground and while inhaling, lift your chest and head towards the ceiling. The crown of your head should be on the ground and your head should be tilted backward.

Step 4: After taking a few deep breaths, release the pose and rest your chest and head back on the ground.
Step 5: You should perform the pose several times, gradually increasing your lift with each attempt.

Bow pose (Dhanurasana):
In this pose, the front and back of the body are stretched and strengthened, due to which there is no sudden muscle strain.

Step 1: Lie on your stomach with your legs extended behind you and your arms by your sides.
Step 2: Next, bend your knees and while inhaling, extend your arms backward to hold your calves or ankles.
Step 3: While exhaling, keep moving your hands and feet and lift your thighs and chest above the floor.
Step 4: After taking a few deep breaths, release the pose and place your chest and feet back on the ground.
Step 5: Repeat this several times and gradually increase the duration of staying in this pose.

Plow Pose (Halasana):
Another easy yet effective pose that you should try is Halasana or the Plow pose.

Step 1: Lying on the back, lift both legs above the stomach.
Step 2: Try to spread your legs above your head in such a way that when you tilt your body, your toes touch the ground.
Step 3: Repeat this cycle after remaining in the same position for 10 to 15 seconds of rest.

Pay attention to your breathing as you do these and switch between poses slowly. Before starting any new exercise routine, consult a doctor if you have a health condition or injury. necessary to do.

(PC: Freepik)