Children Health Tips: Daily protein requirement for teenagers ranges from 32 grams to 43 grams.

Children's Health Tips: The daily routine is becoming more and more relaxed at present, due to which weight gain is becoming common even in children. It also affects their hormones, due to which stress, depression, irritability, and obesity are increasing in children at an early age. Excessive use of gadgets in children, and excessive consumption of junk food are leading them to obesity.

According to a dietician and nutritionist Dr. Preeti Shukla, parents have to be alert to save children from these problems. Parents should give a balanced diet to their children and maintain their activity. Lead children towards outdoor play and try to reduce their inclination towards gadgets. Give a balanced diet to the children, because unless there is a balanced diet, children will be disinterested in outdoor sports. The weight of a teenager from 10 years to 15 years should be from 35 kg to 50 kg. The daily protein requirement for adolescents of this age ranges from 32 grams to 43 grams, so meet all these needs through a balanced diet.

If the amount of protein in the food of children is less, then their physical development also gets blocked. Our traditional Indian food comes under the category of a balanced diet, so children should also be given traditional Indian food. This should include lentils, curd, vegetables, salad, roti, and rice. In some families, dishes like Pav Bhaji, and Idli Sambhar are prepared for dinner, this is not correct. Due to this, the body gets less protein, and the number of refined flour increases.

Its negative effect is that the obesity of children starts increasing. Not only this, but the development of muscles also does not happen properly. Due to this, children are disinterested in doing manual labor and they become lazy. Not getting the right nutrition also hurts their mental health.