Period Remedies: Periods are a normal process that occurs every month in women, which is very important for women's health and fertility. Periods are difficult for all women. Some women have fewer problems during these days and some have excessive cramps, cramps and many other problems. Women often ignore the pain during periods. To overcome this, she takes painkillers. But let us tell you that excessive pain experienced by women during these days can be a sign of many problems including hormonal imbalance. In such a situation, attention should be paid to this.

Many changes related to diet can also reduce or increase period pain. Here we are telling you about 3 such things, which by including in your diet, you can get relief from period pain. Dietitian Manpreet is giving information about this. Manpreet has done a Masters in Nutrition from Delhi University. She is a hormone and gut health coach.


Broccoli is good for health. Many nutrients are found in it. To reduce period pain, you should also consume broccoli during those days. Broccoli can help in reducing pain and cramps during periods. It contains high amounts of fibre and iron, which are effective in fighting cramps and spasms. It especially reduces the pain in the lower stomach.


Amla can help in reducing the problem of period pain and irregular periods. Some minerals and vitamins present in it reduce pain and cramps during periods. Apart from this, it can also provide relief in irregular periods and excessive bleeding. Women should consume Amla daily. Its juice is also very beneficial. It contains vitamins B1 and B2, which provide relief in heavy flow. It also contains iron in high quantity, which compensates for the deficiency of haemoglobin.


It is considered good to eat green leafy vegetables during periods. Apart from this, tomatoes can also reduce period cramps. Tomato soup can be beneficial for you these days. During these days, women's metabolism also slows down. In such a situation, cabbage, cauliflower and other green leafy vegetables will be good for you.

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