Exercising is very important to stay fit and it is important to take care of some special things while exercising. Many times people make many mistakes while doing workouts, due to which the body gets harmed instead of benefits and many times problems like muscle pain or injury are also seen. Exercise should be done according to your ability. There are also many myths related to exercise which we find true. Due to a lack of complete information, people often make such mistakes during exercise, due to which they do not even get the full benefit of exercise, and also harm the body. Even while exercising for weight loss, people often complain that they are not losing weight. There are some mistakes behind this which we do unknowingly. Dietician RujutaDiwekar has shared a video on her Instagram account. In this video, he has mentioned some tips whose workout Care should be taken while doing it. Let's know about this.

Do not workout an empty stomach

Never work out on an empty stomach. Eat a banana or any fruit 15 minutes before the workout. With this, you will be able to burn more calories.

Do not skip warm-up

If you want that you do not to get injured, then do at least 10-15 minutes of stretching and warm-up before exercising. This is so that your body can prepare itself for the workout. Your bones, muscles and ligaments need to know that you are going to exercise. If you start exercising straight away, there is a high chance that you may get muscle tension.

Do not do the same exercise every day

Don't do the same exercise every day. If you have done yoga today, then you can do walking the next day. Schedule your workout routine like this, weight training one day, cardio or swimming the next day.

Take break

It is good to follow an exercise routine, but one day a week, your body also needs rest. So do not exercise one day a week and give rest to your body. Exercising daily will make your body tired. Because of this, you will not be able to do the exercise properly and you will not get its full benefit.

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