Fifth Sawan Monday 2023: Due to more months, this time the month of Sawan is of 59 days and there are a total of 8 Mondays in this month. This time all the Mondays of Sawan are considered very special because more than one special coincidence is being made on all the Mondays of Sawan. So far 4 Mondays of Sawan have passed and the fifth Monday is on 07 August. Ravi Yoga is being formed on the fifth Monday of Sawan, which will last from morning till night. But on this day Bhadra is also being observed since morning, which will remain till evening. Although it will be Bhadra of heaven, its side effect will not be on the earth. In such a situation, let us know about the auspicious time and worship method on the fifth Monday of Sawan...

Sawan's fifth Monday
07 August is the fifth Monday of Sawan. The Saptami Tithi of Adhik Maas is falling on the fifth Monday of Sawan. On the other hand, on this day Ashwini Nakshatra is from morning to late night till 01.16 minutes.

Auspicious yoga on the fifth Sawan Monday
Ravi Yoga and Shool Yoga are being formed on the fifth Monday of Sawan. By doing auspicious work, worship, etc. in Ravi Yoga, there is an increase in respect and wealth.
Ravi Yoga - from 05:46 in the morning to 01:16 in the morning the next day
Shool Yoga - August 06, 2023, from 08:27 pm to August 07, 06:17 pm

Auspicious time for Shiva Puja
Day-long auspicious time for Shiva Puja is on the fifth Sawan Monday. On this day Abhijeet Muhurta is from 12 noon to 12.53 minutes. Whereas Brahma Muhurta is from 04.21 am to 05.03 am.

Bhadra and Rahukal
On the fifth Monday of Sawan, Rahu Kaal is from 07.26 am to 09.06 am. Whereas Bhadra's time is from 05:46 in the morning to 04:41 in the evening.
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