FengShui Birds Symbols: Birds are considered powerful symbols in Feng Shui. Pictures and idols of birds are also kept as decoration in homes. Feng Shui is a science related to the natural world, which is why animals are important in it. Birds are especially symbolic of hypnosis. Not only this, it is also a symbol of freedom. You can also include pictures or figurines of certain birds in your home and life to represent the qualities of the bird you want to evoke. In Feng Shui, feathers are often used in protection adjustments. Let us know about these special Feng Shui birds and the meaning associated with them.

Crane: The crane is a symbol of longevity in Asian cultures. The crane or stork is a bird that is believed to be quite ancient and can live up to a thousand years. According to Feng Shui, if you make a crane through origami, then your wishes come true. In Feng Shui pictures, the crane is often shown with the tortoise as both symbolize long life.

Phoenix: The only mythical bird, the Phoenix is a symbol of purification and rebirth. According to legend, the Phoenix is reborn from its ashes. Phoenix is considered a symbol of good luck, and opportunity. The red phoenix is a symbol of the fire element and the south.

Mandarin Ducks: A pair of Mandarin ducks represents a happy and successful marriage. According to Feng Shui, wooden mandarin ducks should be given as wedding gifts to promote a happy marriage. One can also place a pair of mandarin ducks in the Kun area of the Bagua map to strengthen the relationship.

Peacock: Associated with beauty and wisdom, the peacock is a symbol of status and wealth. According to Feng Shui, the peacock is seen as an earthly version of the Phoenix. The peacock's colorful iridescent feathers look like many eyes that point to wisdom. She sees things in the world with true brilliance. By including peacock pictures or peacock feathers in the house, you can invite the energy of beauty and wisdom into the house.
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