In her in-laws' house, the elder daughter-in-law sometimes has to play the role of a sister-in-law, sometimes of an elder daughter and sometimes of an elder sister. Along with responsibility, all these are emotional relationships. Becoming the elder daughter-in-law of the house simply means that you will have to take the responsibility of following and carrying forward many traditions of your in-laws' house. You will have to take care of the elders and tell the younger ones the difference between right and wrong. Whatever your behavior is in your house, but as the elder daughter-in-law of the house, you will have to have a sense of kindness and dedication in your behavior every moment. If you are also going to become the elder daughter-in-law of the house, then know how to fulfill these responsibilities.

Positive thinking

To do every work in life, it is important to have positive thinking. Becoming an elder daughter-in-law means a big responsibility. Therefore, after marriage, start your new life with full confidence and positive thinking. Do not make any preconceived notions about any person in your in-laws' house. Also, have faith in yourself that you will handle everything.

The elder daughter-in-law of the house teaches her customs and rituals to the coming generations. The customs and rituals of the in-laws can be different from the maternal house. In such a situation, refusing to accept anything or not doing it according to the in-laws should be avoided.

Harmony in relationships
If you are the elder daughter-in-law or are going to become one, then try to take care of all the members of the family. Everyone has expectations from the elder daughter-in-law. Therefore, it is important that you understand everyone's likes-dislikes and thinking and behave accordingly.

Many relationships change after marriage. In such a situation, understand the sensitivity of changing relationships. It has been seen many times that the son who used to do every work after asking the mother, now also takes the opinion of the wife. Sometimes the family members are not able to prepare themselves for this change and bitterness starts coming in the relationships. In such a situation, it is important that instead of getting angry, understand the state of mind of the other person and talk with love.

Be polite
If you feel bad about something in the in-laws' house, then do not react immediately. Many times it happens that when one thing is interpreted in multiple ways, the relationship starts to sour. When two people from different backgrounds meet, it takes more time to understand each other. Even then, if you feel bad about something, then say it in a calm voice. Also, give them a chance to say their thing.

Advice of elders

Usually, new daughters-in-law try to handle everything in their own way after coming to their in-laws' house, but you should not do this at all. Before doing something new or big, ask your mother-in-law or your elders and do not hesitate to take advice. Being the elder daughter-in-law, following the guidance of the elders or taking their advice will prove beneficial for you. Also, by taking advice from them, you can make a place for yourself in their hearts.

The responsibility is big...
Relationship counselor Rukaiya Jirapur says, the family members always have a lot of expectations from the elder daughter-in-law of the house. Many times you have to keep your feelings aside to maintain harmony between the husband and the family. In such a situation, you should communicate with them openly. Listen to their problems and share your own. Try to connect with all the family members and know their likes and dislikes. Support everyone during difficult times and celebrate successes together. These small efforts of yours will help you connect better with the family.