Nowadays we take the help of phone to do most of the work. Sometimes a phone is called a smartphone, sometimes a cell phone. However, have you ever wondered why the phone is called a cell phone? Let's know the reason behind this name and some amazing facts related to the phone.

Why a phone is called a cell phone after all?

The reason behind calling a mobile a cell phone is because of cellular networks. Actually, in olden times network towers were installed on the ground. Mobile towers were installed in every area for phones. These towers were called cell phones. This is the reason that people started calling mobiles cell phones.

There are thousands of bacteria in mobile phones.

It has been revealed in many studies that there are thousands of bacteria on mobile phone screens. These are also counted from the bacteria present in the toilet. This is the reason why it is recommended to wash hands while eating food after holding the phone or touching the phone cover.

What is mobile addiction called?

In today's time, getting addicted to phones is not a new thing. People suffering from phone phobia are also afraid to leave their mobile phones at home. The habit of phone addiction is called nomophobia.

Earlier there used to be a lot of reasons the phone

Today the weight of a mobile phone is around 200 grams. As new models are coming the weight of the phone is getting lighter although earlier phones were very heavy. At that time the meaning of lifting the phone was like we are lifting a toaster machine.

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